Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) offers its automated PPSQ protein sequencer, an N-terminal protein sequencing solution, which provides life sciences researchers with enhanced methods for determining amino acid sequences.
PPSQ series protein sequencers achieve baseline stability and allow high-sensitivity analysis of PTH-amino acids by separating them isocratically. Isocratic sequence analysis provides more stable retention times, which means peaks detected in previous cycles can be cancelled using substation chromatogram processing, making it easier for users to identify sequences.
The PPSQ series’ software incorporates control functions for the reaction unit and high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, enabling easier sequence analysis of proteins and peptides. The software simplifies the reprocessing of chromatograms, the overlay of multiple chromatograms, and the automatic estimation of amino acid sequences, which are required for sequence analysis.
Published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 12, No. 4, April, 2009, p.9.
Filed Under: Genomics/Proteomics