TrialStat Corporation recently enhanced ClinicalAnalytics 4.0 (CA), the company’s EDC solution. The new features and enhanced capabilities include integrated dictionary management, real-time patient milestone reporting, and form re-use.
The new Dictionary Management capabilities automates the management and integration of standard and customized coding dictionaries, enabling users to access and maintain coded records of patient safety data. In addition to standard dictionaries, customers can create and upload existing custom dictionaries. Enhancements to the Patient Milestone Reporting feature provide users a reporting engine with a drag and drop interface to create a more global view of patient timelines to better manage scheduling and overall study performance. Color-coded reporting periods, for example, provide an easy-to-use management tool to gauge timeline commitments to study protocols for patient visits.
Published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 10, No. 10, October, 2007, p. 42.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery