On March 6, 2024, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved a rule to require some companies to report some of their carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2, but not Scope 3)1. While some feel this rule doesn’t go far enough, it certainly demonstrates the need to better understand our respective carbon footprints and develop…
Survey: Wielding AI magic in clinical trials requires a master’s touch
eClinical’s Industry Outlook 2024 report highlights a significant acceleration in AI/ML adoption for clinical trials. Over half of professionals (53%) in functions like clinical operations, data management, and biometrics now see these technologies as central to streamlining trials by 2024, surpassing the emphasis on automation that dominated last year. Despite this hype cycle, a core…
Decentralized clinical trials can have big financial upside, study finds
The use of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) exploded during the pandemic, but quantifying their financial benefits has been elusive. Medable (Palo Alto, California), the maker of a cloud-based DCT platform, has announced that DCTs can accelerate clinical trial timelines and lead to significant cost savings. Medable and its research partner, the Tufts Center for the Study…
Decentralized clinical trials continue to gain ground
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to fundamental changes in how pharmaceutical companies and physicians interact with patients. And yet — for all of the talk about digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI) and decentralized clinical trials in medicine in recent years — the adoption of those concepts has lagged. “The reality is that we’ve gone after…
On ePRO and ensuring data integrity
As clinical trials have become more decentralized, there has been an increased focus on the need for more patient-centric drug development. This focus has led to a variety of eClinical applications. Electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) and other electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) approaches can transform trials to make them more pragmatic, patient-centric and efficient. Such…
The COVID-19 effect: Research platforms require new capabilities
Like a Category 5 hurricane, COVID-19 has uprooted traditional clinical trial methods to clear space for emerging models and practices to grow and flourish. Three related and complementary trends will have a profound and lasting impact. The shift to virtual/decentralized clinical trials. The popularity of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) skyrocketed following the nationwide lockdown last March.…