Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has partnered with CovalX to offer the AXIMA MegaTOF, an integrated MALDI solution for ultra high-mass applications, including protein complex characterization, therapeutic protein aggregates, antibody-antigen interactions, polymer analysis and high mass bioimaging.
The high-sensitivity MegaTOF, which combines a high-performance Shimadzu linear MALDI TOF mass spectrometer with a CovalX high-mass detection system, detects macromolecules up to 1,500 kDa. When analyzing intact protein complexes by high-mass MALDI TOF, it is crucial to stabilize the complexes with highly efficient cross-linking reagents. The MegaTOF achieves this with the combination of CovalX’s high-mass system offering nM detection of macromolecules up to 1,500 kDa and MALDI stabilization kits, which provide special cross-linking reagents and buffers for fast and specific stabilization of protein interactions.
These reagents contain “cocktails” of cross-linkers with different spacer lengths that can covalently bind specific proteins with a high degree of efficiency, even in contaminated and unpurified samples. Additionally, the MegaTOF can detect protein interactions such as aggregation directly from formulation mixtures, which is important for characterizing biopharmaceuticals.
MegaTOF is also equipped with a conventional detector for low mass samples (< 20 kDa). In addition, existing Shimadzu AXIMA MALDI systems (Assurance, Confidence and Performance) can be retrofitted with CovalX’s HM2 or HM2 TUVO high-mass system.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery