In 2024, we saw the expanded use of synthetic data and natural language processing transform drug discovery and development. In a batch of predictions published in December of 2023, one expert predicted that synthetic data was set to “take off” in drug research. In 2025, the pendulum could begin swinging back the other way, according…
4 waves of NLP techniques and how to stitch them together
While clinical trials and regulatory filings offer a semi-structured view of drug safety, a large amount of insights lie in sources ranging from patient support programs (PSPs) to social media posts. As Natural Language Processing (NLP) evolves, a growing number of tools are becoming available to unlock this potential. Deepanshu Saini, Director of Program Management…
From social media to safety signals: How AI and NLP are transforming drug safety monitoring
The pandemic, the rise of decentralized trials and a wave of technological advances have each played a role in reshaping clinical trials and safety reporting. While these events have been changing the industry, the internet’s growing convenience and accessibility has also empowered and transformed the patient experience. Patients are increasingly turning to online platforms, particularly…
NLP in drug discovery and the quest for the ‘right’ research elements
In drug discovery and development, data sources are as diverse as they are plentiful. There are comprehensive databases brimming with molecular targets, cellular processes, genomic sequences, proteomic profiles, and metabolite patterns that shed light on disease pathways. Data possibilities in the patient care realm are similarly vast, spanning electronic medical records, imaging datasets, and even…
The role of natural language processing in advancing disease research
In any area of disease research, a deep understanding of recent and future trends surrounding a particular condition is crucial to the drug discovery process. But with the volume of scientific literature increasing all the time, it is difficult to manually sift through all the existing information and correlate data in such a way to…
What’s driving the natural language processing revolution in pharma and life sciences
Pharmaceutical and life sciences companies are faced with a constant stream of new data flowing into often siloed information systems. About 80% of that information exists in unstructured text that is difficult to extract and use, despite its paramount importance in driving clinical and commercial outcomes. As a result, these organizations find themselves increasingly overwhelmed…
10 trends that will matter for pharma in 2021
One silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has accelerated the rate of change for pharma and life sciences fields in general. The pandemic has forced a rethink of how to manage clinical trials and treat patients in hospitals and their homes. And the breakneck speed of vaccine development in 2020 could potentially…
How AI could reassure you that COVID-19 vaccines are safe
As governments and health authorities worldwide gear up to deliver potentially billions of COVID-19 vaccine doses, artificial intelligence and data automation techniques could be a powerful tool combating one of the top hindrances to mass vaccination: vaccine hesitancy. In particular, natural language processing (NLP) could help health authorities transform adverse event reports from COVID-19 vaccines…