Illumina, Inc.’s HiSeq 2000 sequencing system generates two billion paired-end reads and 200 gigabases (Gb) of quality filtered data in a single run. The sequencer allows researchers to obtain 30-fold coverage of two human genomes in a single run. The system takes the cost of sequencing a human genome below $10,000, according to the Illumina statement.
The HiSeq 2000 generates 200 Gb of data per run and 25 Gb of data per day. The system uses two flow cells and an innovative dual-surface imaging method, enabling new levels of sequencing output as well as experimental flexibility.
Initiating a run requires less than 10 minutes total hands-on time.Pre-configured plug-and-play reagents, a touch screen user interface, and real-time and remote run monitoring result in simpler instrument operation. Automation-friendly 96-sample parallel processing for library prep results in a significant reduction in hands-on time and overall cost.
Researchers can sequence two human genomes at 30-fold coverage for less than $10,000 per genome. HiSeq 2000 can be run in single or dual flow cell mode and can simultaneously run applications that require different read lengths.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery