Andor Technology plc has launched their latest spinning disk confocal device, the Revolution WD.
The Revolution WD spinning disk confocal solution sets new standards in live-cell confocal imaging. It offers spinning disk confocal to research fields, using different sample types, previously unable to obtain maximum benefit from this great live cell imaging technology. The addition of the WD to the Andor Revolution portfolio brings increased flexibility and breadth to Andor’s solutions, and more choice than ever to researchers imaging live samples.
Taking a leap forward by offering four times the field of view, along with a new design for imaging at low and high power magnifications, the Revolution WD offers astounding-quality confocal images for larger samples as well as small. Most exciting is the depth to which you can now image whilst maintaining high contrast images. This makes the Revolution WD the perfect live cell spinning disk solution for core facilities with a broad user base, appealing to new fields such as neuroscience, developmental biology, stem cell research, embryology and intra-vital imaging.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery