Trinean, a spin-off from the University of Ghent and the IMEC research centre, launched their DropSense96 and accompanying DropPlate 16 U in December of 2009. The DropPlate 16 U enabled a measuring scope of 5 ng up to 3,200 ng/µl dsDNA. However, 80% of the principal users of Trinean products analyze genomic DNA, demanding the lowest possible volume requirements for a thorough analysis. In order to meet their needs, Trinean developed a variation of its current chip disposable, specifically for genomic researchers: the DropPlate 16 G (G stands for Genomic).
With the new DropPlate 16 G, volumes of 2 µl are sufficient to provide the researcher with a full UV/VIS scan analysis. Not only does it lower the volume requirements, but the time needed has been reduced by almost 50 %: now labs only have to wait 5 minutes before their 96 samples are analyzed, whereas it used to be 9. This difference in efficiency is even greater compared to the manual operations one had to perform before the DropSense 96 and DropPlate 16 were in use (typically 45 minutes for 96 samples).
In the 6 months since the launch of the DropSense 96, Trinean has installed over 25 units. Labs around the world, from academic research centres to pharmaceutical companies, are relying on this state-of-the-art polychromatic plate reader. Integration with existing microplate liquid handlers and robots makes this quantification automatic.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery