The Agilent 5977A Series GC/MSD enjoys all the benefits of the 7890B GC and features a redesigned inert MS ion source that enhances performance with highly efficient ion collection. The Agilent 5977A Series GC/MSD’s specification metric, the Instrument Detection Limit, guarantees true system-level performance in practice. Using Agilent’s TwisTorr 304 FS turbomolecular pump, optimized for light gas operation, the 5977A GC/MSD system is efficient and rugged, and has been evaluated and certified to meet industry-leading Agilent quality standards.
The Agilent 5977A Series GC/MSD runs on Agilent MassHunter Workstation software. Ideally suited for high-productivity GC/MS, MassHunter provides intuitive, powerful instrument control, coupled with automated data acquisition as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting. It is the industry-leading software solution for high-throughput MS data analysis. MassHunter for MSD systems also includes a full version of MSD ChemStation to ensure compatibility with previously purchased instruments.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery