FEI Company offers a high-throughput, cryo transmission electron microscope (TEM) that combines high-throughput sample handling with state-of-the-art electron optics. It provides fully-automated three-dimensional data about biological molecules and macromolecular complexes. Designed specifically for the needs of cellular and structural biologists, the all-new Titan Krios TEM enables visualization of intricate interactive mechanisms of individual proteins and molecular machines within the three-dimensional architecture of living cells.
The Titan Krios is ideal for advanced, high-resolution, dual-axis cryo electron tomography of frozen hydrated cells and cell organelles, single particle analysis and 2D electron crystallography. Based on FEI’s industry-leading Titan platform, the Titan Krios delivers superb stability and imaging with the flexibility of selecting optimum acceleration voltages between 80 and 300 kV. The Titan Krios also features robotic, contamination-free “auto-loading” of up to 12 frozen samples and 24×7 operation due to liquid nitrogen auto fill systems. Finally, its environmental instrument enclosure provides optimal thermal and acoustic shielding reducing installation and operating requirements.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery