In 2024, we saw the expanded use of synthetic data and natural language processing transform drug discovery and development. In a batch of predictions published in December of 2023, one expert predicted that synthetic data was set to “take off” in drug research. In 2025, the pendulum could begin swinging back the other way, according…
From Bayer’s regulatory streamlining to Superluminal’s protein modeling, Google Cloud’s AI gaining biotech momentum
Google Cloud’s Shweta Maniar is on a mission to revamp drug discovery with the power of generative AI, the trendy type of AI that can create new content. The tech is well-suited for a range of applications in drug discovery and across the life sciences. Whether it’s supporting organizations in their drug discovery efforts or…
How synthetic data accelerates oncology research and drug development
Synthetic data in oncology is transforming how researchers and developers approach real-world evidence. They often need this evidence to test hypotheses, predict outcomes and develop algorithms. But privacy constraints and access related to patient data can create delays and lengthen project timelines. Oncology drug researchers and developers have recently begun using synthetic data in oncology…
How the clinical trial industry is making the most of COVID-19 disruption
Like most things in healthcare, clinical trials have been slow to evolve in recent decades. But the COVID-19 pandemic has forced clinical trial research teams to become more efficient, patient-centered and inclusive. Much is at stake as the pandemic has already caused significant clinical trial disruption. EY estimates that the COVID-19 impact on Phase 3…