The PCR setup STARlet is suitable for a wide range of applications such as gene expression, genotyping, sequencing, or mutagenesis. It has been developed for different PCR types such as endpoint-, q-, multiplex or linear PCR. It is also the first workstation to offer an increased deck capacity of 25 plates and a smaller footprint than other systems in its class. Although developed for 96/384 PCR plates, the PCR setup STARlet can also be used with different labware types, such as strips or even rotor gene discs.
“Customers asked for a system that was within their budget and was flexible so it could be used to process samples under a variety of PCR types and protocols,” said Bobby Chavli, Associate Director of Marketing, BD and Customer Service, at Hamilton Robotics.
“This workstation makes it really easy for the user to configure different PCR assays quickly,” said Christian Arzt, Product Manager at Hamilton Robotics.”It can also be used for basic MasterMix preparation and even restriction and ligation reaction setup. Furthermore, an extra feature allows sample normalization either upstream for PCR setup or as a standalone function, such as, sample dilution,” added Arzt.
The system’s software traces all input components, complete setup information throughout the process, and stores all data for future use: protocols can be reused easily and all process information is tracked consistently.
Finally, the software has an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) with included validation steps for more process safety and a flexible PCR plate-designing tool for maximum user convenience.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery