Carl Zeiss introduces the SlideCollector 48 for its laser microdissection systems. This instrument has been developed for expression analyses and applications in immunobiology, stem cell research, and forensics. The new collector for the PALM MicroBeam and PALM CombiSystem enables the combination of non-contact Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) and AmpliGrid technology.
Combined with the RoboMover automatic collection unit, the SlideCollector 48 offers high-purity specimen preparation and direct, subsequent analysis with minimum reaction volumes. The special benefit of the SlideCollector 48 is a simplified work process, as specimen preparation and analysis can be performed on a single carrier, the AmpliGrid. Further examination can also be completed without the need for an additional, time-consuming transfer.
This article was published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 11, No. 5, May, 2008, pp. 29.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery