Akonni Biosystems announced it has extended its family of “smart-tip” extraction products for rapidly purifying human genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (gDNA) on the Hamilton Microlab STAR line of robotic liquid handling workstations. The first product in the family of gDNA kits provides laboratory technicians with the ability to process up to 300 µL of fresh or frozen whole blood.This kit now has the added capability to be used to process other sample types including buffy coat, tissue, buccal swabs and cells.For all sample types, this kit delivers superior quality gDNA simultaneously from eight to 96 samples in less than 60 minutes.
The second TruTip gDNA kit now available supports the extraction and concentration of gDNA for up to 400 µL of saliva collected using Oragene DISCOVER Collection Kit from DNA Genotek, Inc., a subsidiary of OraSure Technologies, Inc. Given the non-invasive nature of collecting gDNA from saliva samples compared to blood, this sample type is commonly used for very large-scale genetic studies, such as for breast cancer research.
TruTip extraction kits running on Hamilton Microlab STAR system do not require a magnetic head, vacuum manifold, centrifuge, or other space-consuming or expensive capital equipment. Both TruTip gDNA Kits can be used with a variety of backend analytical tools, including qPCR, real time PCR, digital PCR, microarrays, and mid-multiplex bead-based systems, as well as traditional and next-generation sequencing systems.
TruTip was created specifically to reduce bottlenecks in high-throughput genetic testing. By adding the ability to extract DNA from tissue, cells and saliva, there is wide coverage across the sample types most commonly used for downstream genetic-based research.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery