INDIGO Biosciences introduces an expanding portfolio of cell-based, nuclear-receptor reporter-assay products for on-demand use in drug discovery and development. INDIGO Biosciences’ assays enable sensitive screening of test compounds for agonist or antagonist activities for use in primary screening or secondary and toxicology screening.
The all-inclusive assay systems feature stable-glow luciferase chemistry for batch processing of assay plates, high signal-to-noise ratios, and excellent Z’ scores. Kits are optimally configured for HTS or low throughput screening in 3x 32-, 96- and 384-well plate formats. The Company’s proprietary cryopreservation process, CryoMiteÔ, permits overnight delivery for on-demand use. Assay System products are currently available for PPARg, LXRb, ERa, and MR.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery