Replikins Ltd. released new data on changes in the gene structure of the Ebola virus. Before the current outbreaks, the mean Ebola Reston gene Replikin Count (number of Replikins per 100 amino acids) between 1995 and 2002 was 1.1; the mean Replikin Count increased twofold in 2010, threefold in 2012, and sixteen-fold in 2013, thus predicting the current outbreaks in humans.
In the past, this technology has been shown to be able to predict outbreaks. For example, increases in gene Replikin Counts in H1N1 influenza, found in 2008, predicted the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic. The Replikin Count has also predicted outbreaks of lethal H5N1.
Using this technology, a synthetic Replikins vaccine, produced in five days, has been shown to be effective against H5N1 influenza. A similar synthetic anti-Ebola candidate vaccine is being made.
Date: July 30, 2014
Source: Replikins
Filed Under: Drug Discovery