SomaPlex slides from Protein Biotechnologies, for screening protein biomarkers in human tumors, are arrays prepared from a vast collection of total protein lysates derived from numerous human tissues representing a range of cancer subtypes. Detailed clinical and histopathology is available for each sample. Protein from patient-matched normal and tumor tissue is robotically spotted on specially treated glass slides that are compatible with colorimetric, chemiluminescent or fluorescent protein detection systems. Two formats allow either the qualitative or quantitative analysis of protein expression. Detailed grid layout and internal protein controls within each grid make identification and data analysis easy. Microarrays are supplied with custom, low-volume incubation chambers and ZeptoBlock Protein Microarray-optimized blocking buffer.
Published in G&P magazine: Vol. 7, No. 11, November, 2007, p.G9.
Filed Under: Genomics/Proteomics