BiOptix announced its four feature true multiplex array instrument with anticipated ship dates in the third quarter of 2009. This label free technology is expandable up to 96 features per array. Each array is present within a single flowcell that enables users to analyze complex mixtures for multiple biomolecules in a single sample injection. The technology has been performance tested using multiple biomolecular systems and chemistries, including proteins, nucleic acids, glycans, and whole pathogens.
BiOptix’ revolutionary yields the following benefits: 10x the sensitivity compared to the leading competition, true multiplex analysis exposing the sample to the entire array surface in a single flowcell, on-chip control for background effects such as non-specific binding, and user-customizable replaceable biochip that’s chemically modified outside the instrument and easily manipulated, according to BiOptix.
The design of the BiOptix 207B system addresses the needs of customers who are currently not well served by existing label free instrumentation. Entry markets include biopharma and low molecular weight drug development, kinetic analyses, antibody development and quality control, and process analysis. Future markets are in molecular diagnostics, including point of care and personalized medicine, which will benefit from the technology’s ease of use and speed to results.
Visit BiOptix at Pittcon 2009 at Booth #737
Filed Under: Drug Discovery