Bruker’s ultrafleXtreme MALDI TOF/TOF system is designed to offer increased analytical power and new functionality for molecular histology, and glycoprotein and biopharmaceuticals analysis. The system incorporates the Bruker smartbeam laser, with up to 2 kHz repetition rate with true-pixel image resolution at 20 µm for proteins.
The proprietary ImageID workflow is a fully-integrated process to provide scientists with integrated tissue maps for both protein distribution and identification. More than 100 proteins are typically characterized by the ImageID workflow, where consecutive histological sections are processed in parallel to generate complementary datasets in a single software environment for comprehensive analysis. ImageID yields identifications of approximately 80% of all peptides observed in imaging measurements, and those derived from high molecular weight proteins. The method can access fixed (FFPE) tissue, allowing molecular histology to be applied to collections of archived clinical samples.
The MALDI-TOF/TOF system crosses the conventional boundary between MALDI and electrospray ionization by generating multiply-charged intact protein ions for measurements with mass resolution of greater than 30,000, which can yield isotopic information for 30 kDa proteins, and larger protein molecular weight assignments with better than 15 ppm mass accuracy. Achieved using the ultrafleXtreme FlashDetector and DHAP matrix innovations, this intact protein bioanalytical ability represents a paradigm change for biologics discovery, development and QC.
The GlycoQuest glycan search engine retrieves glycan structure candidates with ease, enabling expert full glycoprotein structure elucidation.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery