The MALDI Synapt from Waters is a new addition to the company’s line of High-Definition Mass Spectrometry (HDMS) systems. It incorporates matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) together with ion-mobility and time-of-flight (Tof) technology.
The Waters MALDI Synapt HDMS system is a dual ionization mass spectrometer featuring both MALDI and atmospheric pressure ionization (API) capability as standard features giving scientists maximum analytical power for discovery research challenges. The system is operable in both Tof mode for exact mass UPLC/MS/MS experiments, and ion-mobility/Tof mode for performing novel ion mobility separations-based investigations.
The system also features TriWave technology capable of performing “time-aligned parallel” (TAP) fragmentation so first and second-generation product ions can be generated from a precursor in a single experiment. TriWave technology also allows ions of different charge states to be isolated, thereby enabling components invisible to traditional MALDI analyses to be revealed, and making it possible to separate species of interest from isobaric co-eluting compounds, MALDI matrix ions, and background interferences in biological extracts.
Published in G & P magazine: Vol. 7, No. 10, October, 2007, p. G10.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery