Agilent Technologies Inc. and Premier Biosoft announced that they will each support the combined use of their respective technologies to help clinical researchers advance lipidomics research. By integrating complementary technologies, researchers can seamlessly generate and process data, then map complex lipidomic networks to learn more about lipid metabolism associated with disease.
The power of Agilent’s industry-leading time-of-flight and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometers and Pathway Architect software combined with Premier Biosoft’s SimLipid 3.3 identification and quantification software enables researchers to overcome many of the obstacles inherent in lipid identification and analysis. This will give them a distinct advantage in their efforts to map the lipid pathways associated with metabolic disease.
By connecting these complementary technologies, researchers can maximize the analytical capabilities of Agilent’s high-end MS instrumentation and software with Premier Biosoft high-throughput MS and MS/MS data analysis tools. SimLipid software supports data from Agilent’s well-known MassHunter, Mass Profiler Professional and Pathway Architect software programs, creating an integrated workflow for the accurate and efficient identification and contextualization of lipids on metabolic pathways.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery