Featuring intelligent liquid handling that adapts as processes require, the Biomek 4000 Laboratory Automation Workstation from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences incorporates easy-to-use, icon-driven software and an enhanced work surface with interchangeable tools.
Modular deck configuration allows the work surface to be set up with eight standard positions, expandable to 12 positions. New single and multichannel 1000 μL pipetting tools offer higher throughput for assays using volumes greater than 200 μL and up to 1000 μL.
Method building is simple, and powerful editing features allow specialized and one-off applications to be readily addressed. Most pipetting functions are available through transfer and combine steps, while the flexibility to fine-tune individual pipetting steps is retained. Pipetting templates and liquid-type editors are standard in the software and make adapting pipetting for any liquid straightforward. An intuitive software interface provides icons for liquid handling, labware movement and control of external devices. Building blocks for common pipetting tasks, such as liquid transfers or serial dilutions, provide a guide through method editing.
Pre-written methods for common life sciences tasks are available as add-ons to the Biomek 4000 Workstation and include PCR Reaction Setup, which automates reaction setup and primer design for 24 or 96-well format labware. A template method for cell staining applications offers a great starting point for several cell-based workflows, and uses a graphical user interface that makes setup easy. These applications do not require programming capability and include on-site training and support.
Available with an optional enclosure, the hardware was designed with adaptability in mind. Interchangeable tools in various volume ranges cover the breadth and depth of today’s life sciences applications. The modular deck configuration allows the device to be tailored for specific applications. Up to 12 deck positions make sufficient space available for the automation of all major life sciences tasks.
Off-deck mounts for the tool rack and liquid-waste station open up deck positions, allowing more labware to be accommodated. Heating, cooling and shaking accessories are available. The AccuFrame tool provides fully automated deck framing for increased accuracy using three-dimensional positioning.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery