An in vivo imaging system for live mice that provides autofluorescence removal from images, increased throughput with multiplexing capabilities, and high sensitivity is available from CRi.
The CRi Maestro EX In-Vivo Imaging System utilizes the firm’s patented FLEX technology, which allows broad or narrow bandwidth (±10-20 nm) imaging to permit greater throughput and increased multiplexing. Featuring spectral unmixing software tools and a configurable imaging area, this system can acquire multispectral images, image any fluorophore that emits beyond 500 nm, and is more sensitive than monochrome.
Equipped with a light-tight chamber, Xenon-based illuminator, and liquid crystal tunable multispectral camera, the CRi Maestro EX In-Vivo Imaging System incorporates proprietary algorithms that yield images reflecting the true abundance of each marker isolated from others. This allows more accurate quantitation of markers, resolution of overlapping emission signals (including autofluorescence), and longitudinal studies on one animal.
The CRi Maestro EX In-Vivo Imaging System is available with an optional heated stage, anesthesia kit, and an all-optical Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DyCE) tool that generates anatomic organ maps.
Published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 11, No. 11, November, 2008, p.9.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery