Panasonic Factory Solutions Co., Ltd. (PFSC), Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America (PFSA), and Kalypsys, Inc. established a joint commercialization agreement to enhance support for a next-generation high throughput screening (HTS) system. This modular HTS system enables a shortening of the drug discovery development period by screening new drug candidates (compounds) at high speed with 1536-well high-density plates.
The module size is compactly standardized and a variety of screening-related functions are included. The system is not limited to the boundaries of current screening; it has the extendibility to be easily adapted to a wide range of assay applications in the new drug development process.
The system includes reliability-enhancing technologies such as reducing edge effect (uneven evaporation of cell culture medium within plates) as well as dispense nozzle clogging prevention and an assay data management system. Bidirectional conveyor belt plate-handling realizes 1 min/1536-well plate throughput with high data integrity—resulting in high-speed processing.
This article was published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 11, No. 5, May, 2008, pp. 10.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery