The Quattro Array system is sold as a separate component and can expand the capabilities of any existing BioFlux 200 or BioFlux 1000/1000z system. The Quattro array runs up to four BioFlux plates at the same time. Plates can be read by a microscope or high-content screening system as a time-point or end-point assay. The increased throughput is especially valuable for lead optimization applications where the ability to closely simulate in vivo conditions is critical to identifying the best candidates for clinical development.
The BioFlux system provides the ability to emulate physiological flow and shear forces in an in vitro model, while retaining the industry standard well plate format. The system allows the execution of a multitude of assays requiring precise manipulation of the cellular micro-environment, including control of liquid composition, oxygen content, temperature and shear. The system is designed to provide a better approximation of in vivo conditions than traditional static well plate assays.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery