Electrophysiological experiments can be performed with the Axio Examiner Fixed Stage Microscope from Carl Zeiss with ease, flexibility, and safety. In the field of the neurosciences, Axio Examiner is well suited for patch clamp experiments on nerve cells, examinations of brain sections, and for measuring electrical signals on cells. Together with the ZEISS LSM 710 NLO Laser Scanning Microscope, it is integrated into a multiphoton system. The connection of one or two AxioCam camera(s) and the use of the AxioVision 4.7 software with a special physiology module make the quantitative evaluation of typical experiments comfortable and convenient. This includes the ability to visualize IR DIC or IR Dodt and Fluorescence in individual and merged live windows.
This article was published in Drug Discovery & Development magazine: Vol. 10, No. 9, September, 2008, pp. 8.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery