FEI, a scientific instruments company, has joined forces with National Geographic Cinema Ventures for its annual owners’ image contest. All FEI instrument owners are invited to submit their best images through September 22 to compete for inclusion in National Geographic promotional materials for its much anticipated 2013 giant screen film “Invisible Worlds.” And, for the first time, the image contest will include ASPEX and TILL Photonics microscope users as well.
“We are thrilled to be partnering with National Geographic on an exciting new film that will show audiences aspects of the world around them that are not visible to the naked eye,” stated John Williams, FEI’s vice president, corporate and strategic marketing. “A portion of the film utilizes electron microscopy to allow people to see the smallest of the small, from the tiniest living organisms to the atoms and molecules that ultimately compose everything we know. FEI is proud of the important work that our customers do and the images that they submit to the annual image contest. And we are extremely pleased to provide access to one of our newest microscopes and our skilled technical staff to help in the production of the film.”
Promotional materials will likely include a companion game, book, education guide and poster, which will also include images from FEI microscopes.
“We invite all FEI owners to submit their best images to be considered for inclusion in the film’s promotion material,” said Williams.
The top three images will be posted on the Nat Geo Movies Facebook page and the Nat Geo Movies website. Winners will also receive prizes from FEI.
According to Williams, “Categories for this year’s image contest will be more consumer friendly, such as ‘The Natural World’, ‘The Human Body’, and ‘Around the House’.
“We are also looking for images with a high ‘Yuck Factor’ that will generate interest from kids, as well as other generally interesting subjects like bacteria, cells, micro-invertebrates in water, or the inside workings of solar cells and electronics.” Williams adds, “We invite everyone to let their imaginations run wild for this year’s image contest.”
Date: July 2, 2012
Source: FEI
Filed Under: Drug Discovery