Why Do You Study Cells?
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What diseases/conditions do you study?
Do you study cells as a whole?
What pathways do you study?
What biological questions are you asking?
Diseases/Conditions Involved with Related to Cell Biology Research
Do You Study Cells as a Whole?
- 97% of the respondents are involved with cell biology research that looks at cells as a whole.
- For 40% of the researchers, at least half of their work involves cells as a whole.
What Biological Questions Are You Asking?
Respondents indicated the biological questions they are asking in their cell biology research. Here is a sampling.
Are biomarkers modulated?
Can digital imaging serve as a surrogate for glass slides?
Can inhibition of GSH induce apoptosis of cancer cells?
Can this compound modulate the immune cell activity?
Can we block a pathway?
Did treatment induce programmed cell death?
Do cells and platelets adhere to coated surfaces?
Does communication between cells affect their transformation properties?
Does the cell live or die from the treatment and is the chemical transported, and if so, how?
Drug for prostate cancer?
Drug-induced cytoskeletal dymanics/structure changes?
How are circadian rhythms generated and regulated in vertebrates?
How are signals transduced in the cells?
How best to get drugs to target sites/organisms?
How can I repair mutations directly at their chromosomal sites?
How can we increase recombinant protein production?
How do HIV host response proteins alter normal cell function?
How do muscle proteins interact?
How do neutrophils regulate the inflammatory response in health and disease?
How do organic molecules, probes, drugs interact and affect the activity of biological targets?
How do you obtain increasing virus yields using cells grown in serum free medium?
How does a receptor kinase expressed all over the plant signal differently in shoot tissue versus root tissue?
How does an infectious agent sequester itself inside a eukaryotic cell?
How does development affect expression of myelin-specific genes in oligodendrocytes?
How does protein interact with biological systems?
How does the cell as a system respond to compound treatments?
How does the cell change, in particular cancer cells upon different treatment?
How does the effect of using disposable plastic bioreactors potentially effect cell growth?
How host cells respond to infection?
How inflammation promotes prostate cancer Molecular biology of prostate cancer?
How is interferon-gamma gene expression regulated in natural killer cells?
How to interfere in biological enzymatic reactions with a small molecule?
How to quantitate carbon nanotube samples linked to cell preparations?
How to shrink tumors with therapeutic antibodies?
Is the compound potential toxic to specific organ or tissue?
Is the inhibitor hitting its target?
Is the mutation present?
What agents can be used effectively to inhibit cancer cell growth?
What are anti-cancer therapeutics?
What are the bioreceptors/biomarkers?
What are the causes of breast cancer in a transformed human breast cancer cell line and what environmental chemicals influence this?
What are the changes that occur at the blood brain barrier interface in Alzheimer’s Disease
What are the genetic markers for prostate cancer?
What are the mechanisms by which intracellular bacteria invade host cells?
What are the morphological causes of diseases?
What are the neurobiological mechanisms of food intake?
What are the possibilities of HSP’s inhibitors against cancer?
What are the signals that drive differentiation?
What are the ultrastructural manifestations of cellular processes?
What causes colon cancer cells to metastasize?
What causes replication, mutation?
What cell signaling pathways are involved in predation behavior by protozoa?
What commercial products for cell culture can we develop with nanofibers?
What happens to cells upon binding of certain antibodies (apoptosis, cell proliferation, migration)?
What histochemical changes occur during amphibian metmorphosis?
What is the basis for cancer resistance in certain groups of animals?
What is the cellular localization of our proteins of interest?
What is the effect of specific small molecules on cell biology relevant to disease states?
What is the mechanism of action?
What is the most effective and safe way to target certain cells without affecting the others?
What is the optimal diagnostic method for various conditions and diseases?
What is the pathogenesis of HIV associated nephropathy?
What is the role of chemokines in these disorders?
What is the role of histamine in non-mast cells?
What is the role of the WNT signaling pathway in regulating these processes?
What is the state of the cell in different environments?
What ligands hit a GPCR?
What mechanisms are used in various biological processes linked to cell viability and diseases?
What molecular biomarkers of cancer cells both correlate with and are predictive of clinical drug response/resistance?
Can an index of selected markers be generated and used as a predictive tool?
What pathway is the cell using?
What roles do host cell proteins on viral envelopes play in viral pathogenesis/HIV disease progression?
What signal pathways are involved during developmental processes?
Where do drugs act?
What are the specific target tissues (in vivo)?
About this Survey:
This survey was prepared and conducted by Martin Akel & Associates, Chester, N.J. for the Advantage Business Media Science Group’s publications, Bioscience Technology and Drug Discovery & Development magazines. The survey was sent to a random sample of readers in March, 2008.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery