AirClean Systems has released a next-generation ductless fume hood, Independence.
Independence ductless fume hood incorporates AirClean Systems’ latest breakthroughs in gas phase filtration, filtration monitoring, airflow control and monitoring, and user-friendly operator interaction.
Unique to Independence, AirClean Operating System was written exclusively by AirClean Systems engineers for ductless fume hood operation and control. AirClean OS is the technology backbone providing constant control and monitoring of all features found in Independence. AirSafe TOUCH automatic safety controller interfaces with AirClean OS and provides one touch control of all critical Independence functions and safety features.
Independence is the first ductless hood to feature an integrated chemical reference library in conjunction with an application validation system. The chemical reference library includes over 1000 chemical approved for use with Silconazyne filtration. Silconazyne, AirClean Systems’ new bonded gas phase filtration system, incorporates chemically and thermally enhanced dual-filtration media featuring a combination of silica and high capacity activated carbon. Interfilter monitoring allows the sampling of air within the filters, in addition to post-filtration air.
Independence is the first ductless fume hood that combines ‘true zero’ gas measurement with multiple gas detection methods. Gas detection methods include PID, metal oxide arrays, acid arrays, and standard colorimetric gas sampling tubes. Chemical monitoring is provided as a real-time PPM readout of exhaust air, Interfilter air, and room air.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery