Wyatt Technology Corporation unveiled its new Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instrument – the DynaPro NanoStar – at booth #4386 at Pittcon 2009. The Wyatt NanoStar is a DLS designed to deliver optimum versatility and stability to ensure consistently high performance.
With emphasis on innovation, the Wyatt NanoStar features a dedicated Static Light Scattering detector so it can measure not only hydrodynamic radii, but also absolute molecular weights. The instrument also has a TCP/IP interface, to allow it to be added to a laboratory network instantly and operated from anywhere with an Internet connection.
The temperature control built-in provides fast response times and wide temperature range (from 4?C to 150?C). The Nanostar offers precise temperature control, with a stability of better than 0.01?C over the entire range, and a proprietary thermal design that can change temperatures as quickly as 15?C/min. When operating below ambient temperatures, the NanoStar employs a dual valve dry nitrogen flow that keeps the cell dry and dust free.
Its air-launched laser, coupled with proprietary optics for higher sensitivity, make single mode optical fiber technology obsolete. The NanoStar’s multi-mode fibers collect a larger fraction of the scattered light, which gives better performance for weakly scattering samples. With higher sensitivity, the NanoStar also detects trace amounts of aggregation that other DLS instruments may miss, according to Wyatt.
A double density correlator is standard, which has 512 bins from 100 nsec to one hour, and instead of having 16 bins in the first stage and eight in each subsequent stage, the NanoStar has 32 in the first stage and 16 in the higher stages. In order to ensure that the NanoStar never goes out of range, it comes equipped with automatic attenuation over five orders of magnitude.
Non-perturbing and non-destructive, the NanoStar determines the hydrodynamic radius and absolute molecular weight of nanoparticles simultaneously. With this information, the NanoStar provides unique insights beyond those obtained from conventional DLS technologies, opening new frontiers for any organization. The NanoStar can also be coupled with Wyatt’s on-line multi-angle light scattering systems (DAWN and miniDAWN) for enhanced resolution of HPLC eluents.
To find out more about the NanoStar visit Wyatt Technology at booth #4386 at Pittcon 2009.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery