The following are just some of the companies offering supplies and systems for capillary electrophoresis (CE) researchers.
Advanced Analytical offers parallel UV absorbance-based capillary electrophoresis technology—with more than 10 years of manufacturing experience, product development, customer support and technical service to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Advanced Analytical manufactures and markets dedicated 96 channel and 24 channel parallel UV capillary electrophoresis systems for pKa and log P measurements (pKa PRO) and for oligonucleotide and RNA duplex analysis (Oligo PRO). The Protein PRO is a newly released 24 channel CE-UV system for protein/antibody analysis, capable of performing CGE or CZE separations in parallel. A comprehensive line of reagents is available for physicochemical profiling of drug compounds, oligonucleotide and RNA duplex purity analysis, and protein sizing. A general purpose parallel CE-UV instrument is also available (cePRO) in 24 and 96 channel platforms.
Agilent offers a fully integrated CE/MS solution with all system components and support coming from Agilent. The Agilent CE system combines seamlessly with all models in the Agilent 6000 Series, including quadrupole, time-of-flight, ion trap, triple quadrupole and quadrupole timeof-flight MS systems. A unique feature of the CE-MS combination is their ease of use – the MS control is smoothly integrated into the Agilent ChemStation software. The Agilent spraying system needs no positional adjustments, and the unique design of the MS inlet makes the CE separation conditions independent of the MS operation conditions.
Beckman Coulter‘s P/ACE MDQ Methods Development Systems is a CE-based analytical system configured optimally for the methods development process, where a focus is placed on spectral analysis and the automation of separation strategies. The system includes a P/ACE MDQ configured with both a photo diode array and selectable-wavelength UV/Vis (200, 214, 254 and 280 nm filters included) detector, UV source optics, temperature-controlled sample storage module and 32 Karat Software configured on an IBM personal computer. Installation Qualification, Operation Qualification 1 (OQ1) and documentation to aid in software validation is also included.
GE Healthcare‘s Ettan IPGphor 3 Isoelectric Focusing System and the Multiphor II Flatbed Electrophoresis Unit are designed to handle, simultaneously, as many as 12 IPG strips up to 24-cm long. Ettan IPGphor 3 uses innovative strip holders (regular and cup loading) and offers a fast and simple solution for IEF. Ettan IPGphor 3 is a dedicated instrument for Immobiline DryStrip gels. The combination of high voltage, efficient cooling, and ceramic strip holders can reduce IPG strip focusing time to a few hours. Ettan IPGphor 3 accommodates IPG strip lengths of 7, 11, 13, 18, and 24 cm. Multiphor II provides a flexible and economical alternative for performing first-dimension IEF. When equipped with Immobiline DryStrip Kit, which features movable electrodes, Multiphor II can handle essentially any length IPG strip. IEF run times are longer on Multiphor II as compared with Ettan IPGphor 3, but Multiphor II can also be used for flatbed, second-dimension separations.
Groton Biosystems‘ GPA100 Capillary Electrophoresis System is an automated solution for separation, identification, impurity analysis and quantification. It delivers analytical results with speed, accuracy and versatility not obtained with traditional analytical methods. Because it delivers reproducible and quantifiable results, it is the ideal tool for analysis based on differences in molecular size, shape and charge as well as entangled polymer solutions, or selected stationary phases commonly used in chromatography.
Lumex offers the Capel-105 series of capillary electrophoresis systems. The instruments are based on the differential migration of componenys of aqueous samples within a narrow quartz capillary under the influence of the applied electric field. Separated solutes are quantitatively detected at the capillary outlet by high sensitive optical system based on direct or indirect UV absorbance. They feature high separation efficiency, low reagent consumption, simple sample preparation, and a compact benchtop design.
Eight different types of microfluidic glass chips for capillary electrophoresis are available from Micronit Microfluidics. Capillary electrophoresis with microfluidic chips allows integrated injection structures that enable injection of much smaller volumes than would be possible in standard CE. This means the separation channels can be very short (a few centimeters) for certain applications, which results in much faster analysis. An additional advantage of using chips is that the detection can be integrated in the chip
MicroSolv Technology Corporation originated as a product line for capillary electrophoresis in 1992. Today it offers a variety of products of interest to researchers using this technology.
The PrinCE 250 and the PrinCE-C 255 are the basic capillary electrophoresis systems offered by Prince Technologies. Both systems are fully automated and can handle up to three samples without interference of the operator, while still maintaining 1 buffer vial. As long as sample capacity is not a very important factor, this system is perfectly suitable for routine analysis. The extra features of PrinCE-C 255, compared to the PrinCE 250 is that the effective capillary length is reduced by 5cm and a high pressure up to 10bars by gas pressure allows CEC and faster rinsing with buffers of high viscosity (or: use of buffers with even higher viscosity, use of high viscosity buffers in narrower i.d. capillaries).
QIAxcel from Qiagen performs DNA fragment analysis of 12 samples in as little as 5 minutes — with no need for tedious and time consuming agarose gel preparation. With the system, analysis of DNA fragments, such as single- or multiplex PCR products, and qualitative and quantitative RNA analysis is now easier and faster than ever. See data for single PCR analysis, multiplex PCR analysis, RFLP analysis, and RNA analysis. The plug-and-play instrument fully automates sensitive, high-resolution capillary electrophoresis of up to 96 samples per run. Ready-to-go gel cartridges allow 96 samples to be prepared with a minimal hands-on interaction, reducing manual handling errors and eliminating the need for tedious gel preparation.
The MINICAP instrument from Sebia Electrophoresis represents the latest evolution in Sebia’s innovative line of capillary electrophoresis technology, which also includes the CAPILLARYS 2. Both the MINICAP and the CAPILLARYS 2 instruments provide complete walk-away automation, requiring significantly less technologist involvement. Users can simply place a bar-coded primary sample tube on the system and walk away. Positive sample identification is achieved with full traceability and decreased potential for errors.
MCE-202 MultiNA Microchip Electrophoresis System for DNA/RNA Analysis from Shimadzu Biotech quickly and easily performs DNA and RNA nucleic acid size confirmation and quantitation. This system uses microchip technology to conduct fully automated high-speed electrophoresis separation, and fluorescence detection to perform high-sensitivity analysis. Users can set up the samples and the separation buffer for automated analysis of up to 120 samples. Up to four microchips can be installed for parallel processing of analysis pretreatment and electrophoresis, resulting in a processing speed of just 75 seconds per analysis.
Unimicro Technologies offers an all-in-one instrument, the TriSep pCEC system that can be used as CEC, µ-HPLC and CE. The LC-CEC Upgrader helps to convert a conventional HPLC system into a CEC-µHPLC-CE system at an acceptable price. With the matching flow rate, enhanced loadability, resolution and speed, these systems are ideal for coupling with MS. Besides its electropak CEC columns, the company also offers a broad selection of etched, coated and gel-filled columns that address a wide variety of problems and needs in the separation and analyses of pharmaceutical, biological and environmental samples.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery