Bruker has released Nanomechanics package, which significantly expands Bio-AFM applications in mechanobiology research. The package includes new analysis models in PeakForce QNM, the PeakForce Capture function, and the newly enhanced Quantitative Force-Volume Mapping mode. The new functionality in PeakForce QNM provides expanded support for a lower modulus range covering live cells and tissues, making it the best mechanical property measurement tool for soft biological samples. The PeakForce Capture function gives researchers full access to the PeakForce QNM data to explore alternate analysis models and validate their results against other techniques. Analysis capabilities in Quantitative Force-Volume Mapping mode enable direct comparisons with this widely used legacy technique. Together, these features provide the fastest, highest resolution, and most quantitative characterization of nanomechanical properties over a wide range of biological samples.
Bruker’s PeakForce QNM mode has been adopted by life science laboratories for characterizing the mechanical properties of biological materials at the nanoscale. Now expanded capabilities make it more powerful for characterizing even softer biological samples.
Filed Under: Drug Discovery