Emergency rooms are where many patients are first introduced to powerful opioid painkillers, but what if doctors offered over-the-counter pills instead? A new study tested that approach on patients with broken bones and sprains and found pain relievers sold as Tylenol and Motrin worked as well as opioids at reducing severe pain. The results challenge…
Have a Kid With Migraines? Sugar Pills Work as Well as Drugs
RX Pizza: 1 Free Meal Can Sway Doctor Prescribing
As little as one free meal from a drug company can influence which medicines doctors prescribe for Medicare patients, according to a study using Medicare records and recently released data from the health care law’s Open Payments program. The study highlights the subtle ways doctors may feel inclined to prescribe a drug after receiving just…
Opioids Linked with Deaths Other Than Overdoses, Study Says
Accidental overdoses aren’t the only deadly risk from using powerful prescription painkillers – the drugs may also contribute to heart-related deaths and other fatalities, new research suggests. Among more than 45,000 patients in the study, those using opioid painkillers had a 64 percent higher risk of dying within six months of starting treatment compared to…