Prescription Drug Labels Provide Scant Dosing Guidance for Obese Kids
Despite the U.S. Congress providing incentives to drug manufacturers to encourage the study of medications in children, few approved drugs include safe dosing information for obese kids. A study conducted at Children’s National Health System in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research surveyed pediatric medical and clinical…
T-cells Engineered to Outsmart Tumors Induce Clinical Responses in Relapsed Hodgkin Lymphoma
Tumors have come up with ingenious strategies that enable them to evade detection and destruction by the immune system. So, a research team that includes Children’s National Health System clinician-researchers has validated a way to outfox the tumors. They engineered T-cells, essential players in the body’s own immune system, to strip tumors of their self-preservation…