Vials containing the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Image from Wikipedia.
The news that Moderna’s (NSDQ:MRNA) COVID-19 had a small risk of facial swelling for patients with dermal fillers has spooked scores of patients. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons have been inundated with queries from concerned patients.
But the risk of problems is minuscule, according to Dr. Wilbur Hah, the president of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS).
In the following interview, Dr. Hah puts the risk into perspective, explains why Botox recipients are unlikely to experience vaccine-induced facial swelling, and provides advice for drug developers and the CDC.
1. How would you characterize the reaction from patients concerned about Moderna’s vaccine reactivity to dermal fillers?

Dr. Wilbur Hah
Hah: Though it is a potential risk, I want to emphasize that it is extremely rare for patients to experience swelling around their dermal fillers after receiving the COVID vaccine. In Moderna’s clinical COVID vaccine trial in which swelling among dermal filler patients was first noted, only three participants experienced this side effect. In all three cases, the swelling was localized and either resolved itself without intervention or with antihistamines and/or prednisone.
Furthermore, many people don’t realize that swelling is a completely normal side effect of any immunization, illness, or infection, and swelling around dermal fillers is simply a temporary and normal immune system response. For example, we have seen temporary swelling develop around existing dermal fillers if some get a cold or the flu when their immune system mounts a normal response.
Minor swelling around dermal fillers should not dissuade anyone from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The risks associated with contracting the COVID-19 virus far outweigh the risk of minor swelling around one’s dermal fillers.
2. Is it likely that vaccines from companies other than Moderna could cause similar problems?
Hah: Yes, since any type of immunization can cause minor swelling in patients, there is reason to believe that swelling around dermal fillers and other medical implants is possible with COVID vaccines manufactured by companies other than Moderna. Again, this swelling is very rare and minor, and should not prevent anyone from receiving the COVID vaccine.
3. What advice would you give patients wanting to optimize the timing of their COVID-19 vaccination with dermal-filler injections?
Hah: This is a great question and an area ripe for research. Because reactions are typically more common during the second dose of the COVID vaccine, I recommend patients wait at least two weeks after their second dose to receive a dermal filler injection. Two weeks will give the body adequate time to adjust to the vaccine and ensure that one’s immune system is functioning normally.
4. Could you provide some more perspective on the types of general events that can potentially cause such facial swelling reactions in patients with prior dermal fillers?
Hah: When the body is introduced to any virus or bacteria — whether from a vaccine or even one’s own blood — the immune system perceives a threat and goes into overdrive. Just as the immune system responds to the presence of bacteria and/or viruses by raising the body’s temperature when we have a fever, inflammation is another immune system response to bacteria or a foreign object. When we get vaccinated, it is completely normal for some amount of inflammation to occur within the first couple of hours, as our immune system is stimulated and attempting to force out the pathogen, along with any other foreign objects.
Visiting the dentist commonly results in swelling for patients with dermal fillers, as a large amount of bacteria is introduced to the body through the mouth. Almost all cosmetic procedures include minor swelling as a potential side effect, as the immune system is typically stimulated to some degree.
5. Is there any data suggesting a possible risk from Botox related to COVID-19 vaccines?
Hah: Patients who have received Botox injections should not experience any swelling around these injection sites after receiving a vaccine. This is because Botox is a neurotoxin that is injected into a muscle and is quickly dissolved, whereas dermal filler injections introduce a collagen-stimulating substance — typically hyaluronic acid — under the skin that remains present for six months to a year.
6. Is there a take-home message for drug developers related to this news about facial swelling associated with dermal fillers?
Hah: The CDC and Moderna both list swelling as a possible side effect of the COVID vaccine on their websites, however, they specifically address swelling at the injection site. It could be helpful for the CDC and drug manufacturers to list swelling around medical implants, including dermal fillers, as a possible side effect on their websites and to make this side effect known to vaccine providers. I would also recommend that the CDC and drug developers explicitly state that concern over minor swelling should not prevent anyone from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as this side effect can be easily remedied.
Filed Under: Infectious Disease
I had the first dose of Pfizer and woke up three days later with my eyes almost totally swollen and red as if I were sunburned. It’s been 8 days and I’m still swollen
My lips and eyes were swollen a few days later after receiving my second Moderna vaccine dose, and it’s been 3 weeks and they are still swollen. (It has been way over a year since I had any fillers) I had a fever for 4 days, too, and my midriff area, front and back are now itchy but no rash. However, I have been on low dose chemo for months, and one dose of immunotherapy, prior to my second dose of vaccine, and since chemo left my blood levels low, my oncologist had me injecting an immune booster called Leukine into my abdomen for a couple of weeks prior to vaccine too. There hasn’t been enough testing with cancer patients to know what to expect. I also had a CT scan a few days after the second dose, and all my lymph nodes were swollen in the chest area, and the tumor in the abdomen was larger too. My oncologist took me off all immune boosters, for the time being, and is now planning to just do low dose chemotherapy, for about 6 weeks, and then redo the CT scan to see if the tumor and lymph nodes go down.
I have not had any dermal fillers. It took about a week after my second vaccine. My eye lids swelled and and I wake with crusty eyes in the Morning. Itch! Benadryl at night and flonase during the day have been helpful with the itching but not with the swelling.
I too have puffy eyes and red eyes/eyelids. Started two days after first Pfizer vaccination. No history of injections/fillers. Will try Benadryl.
PD – Lea, I had the Moderna shot the same day you did and woke up Saturday with swollen bottom lip which moved to cheek, above upper lip to other cheek. Finally back to normal today. No facial fillers either.
Did you get the 2nd shot?
No 3 drs and 2 pharmacists strongly recommended i not get the second shot. So I didnt get it. Recommended getting the J&J later on down the road. Said it wasn’t worth the risk to get the second shot, as I have good protection with the first. Disappointed, but it is what it is. Was tested by an allergist who said it was an adverse delayed analyphalictic reaction. Gave some recommendations. Get shot with eppy pen (but my reaction occurred 38 hrs after shot in the middle of the night), not get the shot. Not get the shot and wait for another manufacturers like j&j, get blood tested every some many months to check for antibody titers. Wish CDC would come out with some info on this matter.
I had the Moderna shot last Friday. It was my first shot. I have no facial implants. 23 hours after the shot my Bottom lips started swelling up. Scared the blank out of me. Took one Benadryl pill and that didn’t help The swelling was still increasing, so I took the second. The swelling finally started to decrease. Six hours later the swelling increased again took another two Benadryl pills at 12 midnight. Woke up Sunday my lip was a bit swollen and also my right side of my face and my right eye. Spoke to Dr. service. They didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t know already. Set up for a while debated about taking another Benadryl but eventually all the swelling started to go down. It is now Monday and I have a 130 appointment to see my primary care doctor. My lip is back to normal and also looks like my face is. I am really pretty frightened about taking the second Moderna shot. We’ll see what my doctor says today.
Also, did they recommend trying J&J?
Same here. Pfizer. No dermal fills.
I had same thing happen to me after first Pfizer shot–two days later woke up with eyelids swollen and slight lip swelling and itchy all over face and my neck. Still have residual swelling around my eyes. Went to the doctor and he told me out of an abundance of caution not to get the second shot. I’m OK with that I guess–doctor says I’m at least 80% protected with the first shot.
I have not had any dermal fillers. I had a Moderna shot on Thurs. Feb 4, 2021. I woke up on
Saturday and my upper eyelids are swollen and a goldish color. Does anyone have any info.
Jamie S.PointerSr.
I am a 61 year old Black male and had my 1st Modena shot yesterday and, during the night I started experiencing a throbbing headache and this morning, migraines and my left eye aches, and my eye lids hurt when I blink. I am comforted to hear that it’s part of the side effect process, but not that others are. However i is there anyone that can tell me how long the side effects with the eyes last?
Hi Jamie,
From what I’ve read, side effects usually subside after a day or two, but I’ve heard it can take 72 hours or so for some people. Are you feeling better?
Did you get 2nd shot?
Did you get 2nd?
I have not had any dermal fillers. I had a Moderna shot on Thurs. Feb 4, 2021. I woke up on
Saturday and my upper eyelids are swollen and a goldish color. Does anyone have any info.
Hi did it resolve? I have swelling too 2 days after pfizer vaccine
Please report these issues to the VAERS database!
My eyes are puffy and swollen 2 days after the pfizer vaccine. I am a teacher and have parent’s teacher conferences today I wont come from behind the camera I look awful. Thank You I will report it.
same here! got the moderna vaccine 2 days ago and my eye lid is now swollen and painful!
I got the Pfizer vaccine yesterday and my eyelid swoll with terrible itching!!
I got the Pfizer vaccine yesterday and my eyelid swoll with terrible itching!!
Received 1st Moderna shot yesterday, experiencing lower facial swelling. After reading above, thinking it will migrate to eyes. Is Benadryl ok to take? Is anyone concerned about second dose?
I didn’t have a reaction to the first dose but the second…I have a horrible headache, aching everywhere and swollen my eyes and mouth are swollen. Still waiting to feel better.
My swelling was almost gone when I called Dr who told me to take Benadryl, which I did and the next day, it was all gone. Lasted for about a day and a half. I am concerned about the second shot and most professionals are suggesting I don’t get it. Reported to VAERS no one ever returned my call. Saw an allergist today with no clear answer. Can take an allergy test that takes 4 hours but how will they know if I’m allergic to anything in the medicine if my reaction didn’t appear until 38 hours after shot.
I took Benadryl on Monday after speaking with doctor. While at the time I took it, the swelling was beginning to go down and after taking the Benadryl, it was gone the next morning. I am very concerned about the second shot. See my reply below to Lea.
I got the second Pfizer vaccine on Sunday, 2/7/2021. Arm was very sore for three days and on the fourth day, 2/11 I woke up with a bright red itchy blotchy warm rash all over my face with swelling, including my eyes. Called Pfizer and was told it was ok to take benedryl. Now it is 2/13… soaked my face in ice water and still no positive results from taking Benedryl. Will see my doctor on Monday if there is no improvement.
After the pfizer vaccine I became very weak, tired n nauseated. Woke up day 2 with swollen eyes. I don’t mind the side effects sd long as it works!!
I took the Pfizer vaccine on Monday and very tired, nausea and have a nasty metal taste in my mouth. Woke on Thursday with hurting eyelids. I going to take Benadryl tonight, call PC tomorrow. Just so tired and cold.
I took the moderna shot and ended up looking like a chipmunk with cheeks full of acorns. Talked to my doctors assistant and she told me to take benadryl. Since I showed no symptoms of what was on container, I chose not to take. I instead went to the doctors office and saw a different doctor on call. He advised me not to take the benadryl. My cheeks have gone down a little bit. It’s been 1 and 1/2 weeks. I’m due for 2nd shot in 10 more days. I’m freaked out. Btw, both shots are given to me at my doctors office.
Mary, Are you going ahead with your second shot? Same thing happened to me and I’m concerned about getting the second one.
Mary, I had my first Moderna 2/23 , have the same side effects as you started 3/4… approx 10 days later! am very concerned about taking the 2nd dose! Went to Doctor yesterday and told to take Benadryl , still have swollen face but hives and itching on my arms alot better..
After second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination February 17, after four days a large swelling and soreness in the front upper leg. I know of nothing that would’ve caused swelling. I’ve had this for three days now.
Hi, I rec’d my 1st Moderna shot 4 days ago, woke up this morning with swollen and red lower legs. My right is worse than the left, got my shot on my right arm. No other explanation for the swelling…like edema and redness. Keeping legs up and putting cool cloths on them. If not better in the next, I’ll call my doc. Glad to see someone with swelling in the legs. Hope it got better for you.
I took the Pfizer vaccine in my left arm About 2 days after the first vaccine, I had swelling, itch, and redness on my left eyelid. That resolved in about 2 days. I had a similar, but stronger, about 2 days after second vaccine. That resolved in about 3 days. I used cortisone cream.
I’m similar to Lori. I had the first dose of Pfizer and woke up three days later with my eyes almost totally swollen and pink. I get Botox from my neurologist for my migraines, but the majority are in the back of my head/skull, not near my eyes. My head really hurts.
I also have struggled with pink and itchy eyelids after getting my first Pfizer vaccine. No history with botox or fillers (though I do use facial cream to slow the aging process). Benadryl does help, but hasn’t entirely cleared it up.
2nd moderna shot on Thursday Feb 25 Fri and Saturday flu like symptoms, in and out of of bed. Sunday OK. Monday red itchy eyes very uncomfortable and same on Tuesday hope Wed will be much better.
I have bad rash on both checks and my eyes have really bothered me and swollen and blurry . Not sure if from Moderna first shot. Due to get second one next Saturday. Hope it will be ok
Willie P. I got my first Pfizer shot February 20 with no side effects until March 2, I got swollen lips. Didn’t take anything until March 5, 3 days of benadryl. Went down some but worried about my second shot on March 13 . Will make sure they have eppipen on hand.
I had the Pfizer shot yesterday and this morning my whole face is swollen and red. I am thinking of calling the doctor today.
Dr. Hah
I am simply chatting about the side effect that I experienced. I am African American with that said my people died in disproportionate numbers. The vaccine and a couple of side effects are better than the cemetery.
I received the Pfizer vaccine 8 days ago in my right arm and my right eyelid is a little swollen and hurts. I also have a headache. I did get steroid injections a month ago in my back.
I had the Moderna vaccination on Feb 25 and on March 4 (day 10) my eyes and cheeks were extremely swollen. I’ve had no dermal fillers. My eyes and face are still swollen so I went to my Dr today. He has me on Benadryl and Prednisone.
I had the Moderna vaccination on Feb 25 and on March 4 (day 10) my eyes and cheeks were swollen horribly. I’ve had no dermal fillers. My eyes and face are still swollen so I went to my Dr today. He has me on Benedryl and Prednisone.
I had my first Moderna vaccine 7 days ago and my face and eyes have been swollen for the last three days. I called my doctor and she has never heard of this side effect but wants to see me on Monday virtually (it is Friday afternoon). I also have very tender lymph noded at the base of my neck. I will start taking Benadryl today and hope that the puffiness starts to improve. What dose are people taking? Thanks so much for the help!
I had my first Pfizer vaccine on 3/10 and did not know the risks of fillers. I had restylane Lyft (under eye filler) on 3/11 and my eyes are extremely swollen. Dr prescribed steroid, Zyrtec and Pepcid. The filler was 29 hours ago and swelling is pretty severe. Hoping this goes down by the end of the weekend.
Hey Jill… did your swelling go down yet?
I had the astrazeneca yesterday and started to shiver and was very cold and have woken up with massively swollen eyes. Can anyone advise on if its safe to take second dose?
Took the pfizer covid vaccine 36 hours ago. Now I am getting conjunctivitis in my left eye. I’m not sure if the vaccine is causing a reaction but I plan to call my doctor tomorrow morning.
Has anyone that experienced these side effects with their first shot received their second shot yet? If so any reaction to the second shot? Doctors seemed puzzled but all calling it a delayed adverse allergic reaction and are recommending i don’t get my second shot. Curious as to what others have found out. Mine was lip and facial swelling 38 hours after 1st Moderna shot.
Thank you.
Had Pfizer vaccine two 1/2 weeks ago. Second vaccine scheduled for end of this week. Today I had large hives on my eyes. One on my inner eyelid and the other under my other eye. Swelled very quickly. Have had swollen neck lymph nodes. Iced these swells and took Benadryl…hoping for a quick recovery.
Hey Pat! Did your neck lymph node swelling go down? I got the second Pfizer shot afternoon of the 19th and then yesterday had severe and painful lymph swelling on one side of my face that hasn’t gone down. I’ve been taking Advil and doing warm compresses…
Glad to have found some evidence that I’m not the only one!
Omg! The same thing happened to me! Had my 1st Pfizer on Saturday, on Monday woke up to extreme pain and swelling in my left side thinking it might be an infected tooth went to the dentist and they didn’t find anything! I thought it could be a reaction to the vax and I’ve been looking for answers!
My pain hasn’t gone away and swelling is just a little tiny better, I still look like a chipmunk and the pain’s still there. I’m taking ibuprofen.
My mom have a swollen face . She had just had the second jab. If course her doctor is baffled and sent her home with zero explanation and it’s been several days and getting more swollen. Started on one side now the other. Never had Botox or fillers, ever!
Omg I got the shot today & now my eyes are swollen & runny nose watery eyes. Very cold. I’m not sure what to think
Got 1st Pfizer shot yesterday morning and woke up with facial swelling. Took 2 benadryl & hope this keeps the swelling down. It’s been somewhat comforting to know that this seems to be in the realm of possible side effects as others have shared. In other words, I m not alone & it appears somewhat normal in the scope of things. However, for all that are experiencing it, it is cause for alarm and unpleasant not to mention hard on the eye (ha ha). I will add to posting as this reaction hopefully subsides. Take care & I can say that when I have had allergic reactions to NSAID medication Benadryl does do the trick.
I had the Pfizer two days ago. Face started burning and eyes swelling within 30 minutes. Been taking Benadryl and using cool packs. I have an allergy to the contrast dye used in CT Scans. Does anyone here have an allergy like that? No fillers or anything for me.
Update. I saw my GP today and she highly recommended that I not get the second dose. She said the first dose would give me some protection and I could always get a different one later or get blood tested for antibodies. It’s been a week and I still don’t feel right.
I had my second Moderna vaccination on January 23, 2021. I became very ill the day after the second shot, with a fever, severe migraine, passing out, weakness, nausea, etc. I am a very healthy 47 year old woman with no underlying health conditions. I have no dermal fillers/no Botox. Since getting the second shot, I have had three severe reactions, with my upper eyelids swelling so much it distorts my vision. I also have had an intermittent itchy, burning, red rash on my face since getting the second shot. I have no known allergies except to Sulfa, and I have never had swollen eyelids or itchy, burning skin before. The reactions occurred on February 19, March 2, and again today, which is March 19. Doctors have me on prednisone, Benadryl, and Pepcid (which is a histamine blocker), and I am using cold compresses multiple times each day and night to reduce the swelling. The first two reactions took about a week to subside, only to occur again just days after being off of all medications. I have photos documenting all of this. I’m soooo worried that this vaccine has caused my immune system react this way.
Hi Stephanie,
Has your reaction occurred again at all? I got the Pfizer vaccine on April 20 and got a small hive on my face the next day. By the 5th day I had a severe rash all over my face, neck and arms. Red, itchy, and very swollen. It took a long time for it to go away completely (I’d say a good 6 weeks), even though I took prednisone and a high does of antihistamines. Then I got the exact same reaction on July 14th (although I did not take the vaccine again), sending me to the hospital because my face was so swollen I could barely see out of my eyes. The doctors were baffled because the prednisone IV they gave me did not really help the swelling to go down. Got prescribed prednisone and antihistamines again. My allergist says it’s not an allergic reaction, but some kind of immune reaction (perhaps to a virus or bacteria). I’m afraid the vaccine changed to way I react to viruses. Looking for answers…. I don’t want this reaction to happen again.
I got the 1st Pfizer vaccine around 30 hours ago. I waited in observation for 30 mins with no side effects other than a slightly sore arm. My right upper eyelid started to become itchy an hour ago and is now swollen. Put a cold compress and planning to sleep on it and see what happens.
first pfizer vaccine on 3/12 ( friday ) and flat on back the following tues – thurs, with a temp @ 100. my son, pfizer shot on 3/12 has a fat lower lip. second shot on 4/2? waiting for primary okay.
The entire right side of my face and jaw is still swollen. It’s been 3 and a half weeks since my first Moderna vaccine. Do I go ahead with the second dose scheduled 4 days from now?
I got the moderna two days ago and started noticing early in the day that my eye was sore on the same side i got the shot. Later as the day progressed it for worse! I’m worried about it it’s painful when I touch it and just when I even blink! And if i squeeze my eye shut even more painful!! I can’t notice much swelling but it seems a little puffier on the lower right lid. i couldn’t find any info on it till i for to this sight which I’m relived in a sense to know where it’s most likely coming from and that others are experiencing it also but nervous as to what it is and when it will go away…where can I report this type of reaction i think it’s really important people know i couldn’t find anything on the common side effects on many of the websites i checked i only saw one health worker in alaska reported eye vision change in one eye. I can’t tell if mine has changed much u wear glasses anyhow.
I got the Johnson & Johnson shot. Next day slight fever and swollen, puffy eyes down to cheeks. I took and allergy pill by the next day swelling went down considerably. The third day I was fine. So I guess all three vaccines can give you this reaction.
I’m 73 years young, female and in generally good health for my level of maturity. I received the first dose of Moderna vaccine on 3/20. I’ve had some minimal achiness and fatigue. I’ve noticed some weight gain and marked eyelid puffiness that is unusual. I went searching for a cause-effect answer and found this site. I will take Benadryl today and monitor progress. Thanks to all of you for your insight and information. It’s been reassuring not to feel alone.
Just had my 1st Moderna shot, female 49 years old with no prior fillers or injections, and noticed immediately upon arriving home both of my under eye lids are swelling, i look i haven’t slept in days. I will definitely be trying the Benadryl to see if that will nip it in the bud. Thank you for this message chain, sets my mind at ease.
47 Year old Female. No history of fillers or other modifications to my existing body. I had the second Moderna Vaccine on March 24. I felt ok the first day except fatigue. Overnight i developed a fever and took Advil to reduce it. Now today i felt tired and achy with low grade fever. I took an afternoon nap and woke up with swollen eyes and cheeks and two hives on one eyelid. I took Claritin and hoping this goes away soon. My first vaccine only had pain in arm for a few days and fever on first night only.
Took my Pfizer first shot on March 24th. From today (March 25th) I could sense eye irritation in both eyes. My wife remarked my eyelids were swollen. A bit of blurry vision as well. Seeing the Ophthalmologist tomorrow and also sent a message to PCP
No fillers or injections. 24 hours after my 2nd Moderna vaccine I experienced a scratchiness and pressure in my left eye. The next morning my eye was swollen and covered in a yellow/green crud. I went to an urgent care office and was told it was either a bacterial or viral infection. The nurse prescribed a topical antibiotic for the eye but recommended seeing an eye doctor. The eye doctor told me it was an allergic reaction and my eye lids and surrounding area were filled with histamine. I then took Benadryl as well as the antibiotic and now a week later the swelling has gone and my eye just a little scratchy. This was a temporary inconvenience and a small price to pay for the benefit of the vaccine.
I had the Pfizer shot, 48. Hrs later I have heavy a hives looking infection on both sides of my face . Taking antihistamine, it’s a week later and seems to be spreading. Waiting to see how long it lasts
Had my first dose of Pfizer vaccine, no reaction at all!! Had second dose and next day my right eye was very red under it like someone hit me. It is sore and swollen. I will try the Benadryl to see if helps. I have had no other reaction.
I had the 2nd dose of the vaccine Wednesday. Had chills and night sweats that night. Woke up Thursday feeling sluggish but went to work. Had to leave shortly after getting there because I was freezing and had severe body aches. Later that day my lips swelled and are still slightly swollen. I have no energy and my lips don’t hurt they are irritated. Took a Benadryl that helped some.
I had my second shot 3/24. Very tired, painful arm. Thursday night(3/25) I felt a swelling on my right cheek straight up to my lower lid. I do have fillers , but it’s been at least 6 months since my last injection. I was told to take Benadryl and ice 2x a day. Fingers crossed this goes down fast!!!
Last month I received the 1st Moderna vaccine. I had a slightly sore arm, a metallic taste in my mouth and felt sluggish. No other issues. Today, (3/27) I received the 2nd vaccine at 10 a.m. in my right arm. I had to be monitored for 30 min but only had metallic taste and small headache. By 2:30, I developed a rash between my eyes that was the size of a lemon. My pigmentation changed to a slight brown tint. By 6, the rash spread to the size of an apple and my eyelid on the right side of my face started swelling. The rash on my forehead appears to have fluid and is swollen. My headache is progressing. I called the symptoms hotline and was told to monitor and take An antihistamine.
Hi ! I had my first Pfizer late January and 2 weeks later my top lip swelled. I took antihistamines and disappeared overnight. Had my 2nd Pfizer 42 days later. Now it is 4 weeks from 2 nd dose and woke with lower lip fully swollen. I have not had fillers or anything new in diet. Hope it gets better. Interesting to see how many have same.
Well I had my first Moderna shot on March 17th. It’s now March 28th. No immediate side effects. Actually felt great for the first 24hrs besides a slightly sore arm. Lymph nodes on the left side (injection side) became swollen and red the next day. I now have blood shot eyes and lymph nodes on neck and under arms are all swollen. Headache and now my left eye lid is swollen shut and my eye hurts. The right side is slightly swollen but all lymph nodes in upper body are swollen and itchy and warm. My throat feels swollen too. I now have hives on my neck and shoulders and under my left arm. I am internally itchy and my abdomen is swollen. I have also gained weight. Nothing has changed for me dietary or sleep wise since my injection. I am due in 2 weeks for my second dose but I think I am goi g to skip it as my symptoms seem to be worsening with time not getting better. I am going to take Benadryl and see if that helps.
I had no reaction from First Moderna shot on 2/26 and 3/26 received dose no. 2. I was tired that night and went to bed to be woken at 4 am with chills like ridiculous and headache. Took tylenol, blasted the heat and wrapped myself like a papoose. Woke up a couple hours later chills gone but then fever, which passed quickly with extra sleep and more tylenol. I just looked in the mirror to see a yellow almost black eye and puffiness. I had a severe case of ocular rosacea and received injections in my face 2 years ago to bring down swelling. This may or may not be a factor, but I guess this is one for the books folks 🙏 not happy but rather this than respirator.
I received my 1st pfizer vaccine on March 4th. No fillers either. The 6th my eyes started swelling and were red. Thought I was getting pink eye in both eyes. The 8th my eye lids were red, my face was distorted and swollen. Called eye doctor on the 8th, sent pictures, since I thought it was pink eye received steroids to put around eyes and eye drops. Took Benadryl. The 10th sent pictures to PCP and eye doctor. They put me on oral steroids as well. The 12th, my neck was swollen and had to go to the ER. I was having trouble swallowing and getting out of breath. When I would stand up I couldn’t hear and my head was pounding. My eye sockets hurt so bad I thought my brain was swelling. In the ER they gave me IV with Benadryl, Steroid and pepcid. This is the 29th and I still have swelling in my face and neck. Will not be taking the second vaccine.
I’m having the same issue right now.
Has your reaction occurred again at all? I got the Pfizer vaccine on April 20 and got a small hive on my face the next day. By the 5th day I had a severe rash all over my face, neck and arms. Red, itchy, and very swollen. It took a long time for it to go away completely (I’d say a good 6 weeks), even though I took prednisone and a high does of antihistamines. Then I got the exact same reaction on July 14th (although I did not take the vaccine again), sending me to the hospital because my face was so swollen I could barely see out of my eyes. The doctors were baffled because the prednisone IV they gave me did not really help the swelling to go down. Got prescribed prednisone and antihistamines again. My allergist says it’s not an allergic reaction, but some kind of immune reaction (perhaps to a virus or bacteria). I’m afraid the vaccine changed to way I react to viruses. Looking for answers…. I don’t want this reaction to happen again.
I am 58 with no underlying conditions. I received my 1st Moderna shot on 3/26/21. No immediate symptoms, even went skiing the next day. Three weeks later I have had 3 days with my lips very swollen. Can’t even put on lip balm because it burns. I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to salsa and/or cocktail sauce (which I had eaten many times before without any reaction). Seeing a doctor today. I tried benadryl, but it didn’t do anything to reduce the swelling. I am worried about the 2nd shot scheduled for next week. I am glad this forum is here to learn about others with similar experiences.
I got my first Pfizer shot on March 24th and on March 29th my eyes kinda felt like I was getting conjunctivitis. So I called my teledoc and she asked it if was bacterial or allergic? Which was something I never heard….I thought it was just called conjunctivitis. Anyway, I figured I just got something in my eye (bacterial) and needed drops. Used drops for a few days and gone. Never thought it could have been a side effect? Fast forward to April 14 for the 2nd shot. Felt tired and achy for 24 hours and then on Sunday I went to bed and both of my eyes felt itchy and irritated. In the morning they were weepy/gooey “dime slots”! So I started with the drops and benadryl. I was going to make an appt to see an Eye Doc, but now I pretty convinced it is a side effect from the vaccine. Okay, that’s my story and I will keep you posted.
Last week I had my first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination shot at a U.S.-based, chain pharmacy. (In full disclosure, over 15 years ago I had a blepharoplasty under both eyes to remove bags, which were filled with my own body fat (nothing foreign or synthetic) and I’ve had no issues with either since.) Two mornings later my right upper eyelid was swollen and I noticed one hive-like bump on my inner right forearm. My lower eye areas where I had the procedure were fine. I took 50 mg of Benadryl and the swelling cleared up within a few hours after a long nap. I reported the incident to the pharmacist, who advised against taking the second dose, which she said might cause a more severe allergic reaction. I’m all set, thank you.
I have never had face fillers. I had the first dose of Astra Zeneca, next day woke up with puffiness around the eyes, especially above and below the right eye. As the day progressed the puffiness above my right eye went away but the puffiness below both eyes remained. 9 days later I had a telephone appointment with my doctor, to whom I had emailed photos of my swollen face. He was very concerned that it could be a sign of blood clots and told me to go to Emergency at the nearest Hospital for a CT scan! At the Hospital the doctor took blood samples to test for blood clot markers: luckily they turned out to be negative. I was not given anything for the puffiness nor told what could be done about it, I was simply discharged from the hospital! That was a week ago and I am still waking up with puffiness around the eyes which slightly subsides as the day wears on. So today is my 16th day of puffiness around the eyes 😕
Has anyone’s reaction occurred again weeks after the vaccine? I got the Pfizer vaccine on April 20 and got a small hive on my face the next day. By the 5th day I had a severe rash all over my face, neck and arms. Red, itchy, and very swollen. It took a long time for it to go away completely (I’d say a good 6 weeks), even though I took prednisone and a high dose of antihistamines. Then I got the exact same reaction on July 14th (hives on the exact same places on my face, arms and neck), although I did not take the vaccine again. s me I had to go to the emergency room at the hospital because my face was so swollen I could barely see out of my eyes. The doctors were baffled because the prednisone IV they gave me did not really help the swelling to go down. Got prescribed prednisone and antihistamines again. My allergist says it’s not an allergic reaction, but some kind of immune reaction (perhaps to a virus or bacteria). I’m afraid the vaccine changed to way I react to viruses. Is this possible? Looking for answers…. I don’t want this reaction to happen again.
Received the Moderna vaccine on September 8th, work up the next morning with swollen cheeks. The doctor prescribed antihistamines and my left side has been subsiding. Does anyone know how long this condition will last?